WITCH HAZEL: An Anxiety Play
A one person play written and performed by AMDA grad Eliza Gill
6/06 @ 6:30 pm
6/09 @ 8:00 pm
6/15 @ 9:30 pm
6/23 @ 10:30 pm
6/24 @ 4:00 pm
Broadwater Second Stage Theater
6320 Santa Monica Blvd.
A dinner party, The Hobbit, and a house of vengeful house plants leads Witch Hazel down a spiral regarding her identity and if she really is the person that she presents to the world or just an imposter. Hopefully we will laugh along with her as they slide down the rabbit hole of “who am i?”
Content Warning:
Flashing lights and disorienting sound elements. May cause anxiety.
To purchase $5 tickets, visit https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/9413?tab=tickets
Discount Code: thankspumpkin42