Sunday, May 19, 2024
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM America, New York
Central Park New York, New York, United States of America
Hosted by: Alumni Services
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Walk with Team AMDA! 


Sign up HERE! We are excited to build a strong team of students, alumni, faculty, and staff! The walk is on Sunday, May 19, 2024 in Central Park. There is no minimum donation required! Check out the day-of event schedule HERE.

Can't make it but still want to contribute?

What is the AIDS Walk?

AIDS Walk New York is the world’s largest and most visible HIV/AIDS fundraising event.  

It was born in 1986 out of the anguish of gay men in neighborhoods from Greenwich Village to Harlem who were first besieged by the deadly new disease. It was nurtured by the passions of New York’s diverse communities of art, culture, and commerce so ravaged by the early HIV epidemic. It was steeled for the long haul by activists who knew that ending HIV/AIDS would require more than fighting the virus. It would also require confronting the social ills that fuel it – racism, sexism, homophobia, and poverty.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) is the primary beneficiary of AIDS Walk New York. The event also supports other tri-state AIDS service, social justice, and/or public health organizations through the Community Partnership Program (CPP). These groups are able to participate in AIDS Walk New York as fundraising teams, with proceeds directly benefiting their programs and services.

Questions? Contact Lauren Trapido, Director of Student Engagement, at

Event Participation Information

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